About this blog

In other words, the Zone + Crossfit = Optimal Heath!
This blog focuses on nutrition, using the Zone Diet as the basis. However, I often eat Paleo foods in Zone proportions.
I love to investigate anything having to do with food- what we eat and why. And what happens within our bodies, our organs, our brain, when we do? My precious mother struggled with eating disorders. I want to avoid this delimma based on research, common sense, and the natural consequences on my body. The Zone shows me where the balance lies between eating too much and eating too little.
My husband runs a Crossfit gym. Exercise and choosing the right foods have become a mission for ourselves and our children. We don't want to be nerds about it, we just want to be healthy.
I have been asked by several friends what I feed our family, especially our kids. My husband and I follow the Crossfit prescription to nutrition (meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar). If you know me, you know that the sugar part of this equation will be a life long struggle given my love for chocolate! Evan adheres to the stricter version known as the Paleo-Zone diet (and I do on my good days!) which requires the same foods in a ratio of 40% protein, 30% carb, and 30% fat. Children require 50% carbs, 30% fat, and 20% protein. If you're wondering how to figure this out, I do it on a per meal basis and I have a "block" chart from the Zone website.
It seems like a headache at first, but if you're interested, just know that it is not that bad once you practice it for a couple of weeks. All you need is a $10 scale and some determination. It really is quite simple and makes my life easier at the grocery store and when cooking dinner. Most of all, I feel great when I eat well- mentally and physically, and we all know that the physical can affect the mental and visa versa!
Evan and I are hunter/gatherer wanna-be's! This blog will track my journey of health as it should be, and the honest reality of living in a sugar fried culture. When it comes down to it, I get excited to talk about nutrition, but I am definitely not perfect at it! If you have the desire to eat well, but it is often a challenge to overcome the temptations along the way, then you are in the right company!
I hope you leave this blog feeling enlightened and encouraged as you go throughout your day!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 14th: To Cheat or Not to Cheat?

For some reason, Xanna and I picked today, of all days, to recommit to the Zone! So, I got my chocolate fix today! I just have to remember that it is not my tummy that wants the sugar, it is my tastebuds! Although I cannot explain it well, I have read enough to know that sugar effects how we think and feel and I am ready to feel better and think effectively (I enjoyed the pleasures of Christmas treats for way too long and now I have created a monster that must be tamed!) As much as I hate to use the term, I had an "ah ha" moment while watching "How it's Made" on the History Channel about chocolate: I am not really addicted to chocolate, I am addicted to the sugar that is added to chocolate! I anticipate that I will go through some withdrawals such as crankiness and tiredness in the first two days. So, here is my plan, using what I have in the kitchen right now. What's yours?

Eat 2 block meals every 3 hours: everything will be measured or weighed exactly
7am 2 scrambled eggs, 1 orange, coffee w/ half and half
10am 2oz. ham, orange, coffee with half and half
1pm 2oz. ham, celery and carrots with ranch dip
4pm 2 eggs, 1/2 english muffin, coffee with half and half
7pm 2oz. chicken in a salad with vinegrette

I love scambled eggs any time of day! They are a healthy comfort food for me! So, I have strategically planned to eat them in the afternoon, with coffee, when I would normally want something sweet to eat out of stress or boredom.

Here are my goals that I want to accomplish over the next 4 weeks:
-Get rid of the fog- Ever feel like you are not thinking fast enough or clear enough? I want sharpness of mind!
-Get rid of feeling bloated. I ate pizza tonight. Need I say more? Which goes hand in hand with...
-Decrease inflammation. There is a lot of inflammation in our bodies that we cannot see or feel. But when I quit the sugar, I actually feel less inflamed, and my tummy feels flat (as possible). :)
-Loose 6-8 pounds
-clear up my skin

So, if you are following this along, and/or even challenging yourself, not good luck, but good choices to you, too!


  1. What a great, positive start! I had my 3 blocks for breakfast and I'm looking forward to the rest of my day. Had kind of a set back at CrossFit this morning and my back isn't feeling 100%, but I'm not going to let that get me down or get in the way of my diet. I'm thinking about starting back on fish oils again. Any idea on how many to start with? I know it's usually a pretty high number. I have the Triple Strength brand you get from GNC. Keep me posted, and I'll let you know how day 1 feels later!

  2. oh, and I feel ya on the chocolate thing. Being type 1 diabetic, my husband has never really gotten me candies for Valentine's Day. I usually receive spa days, which are much better in my opinion!

  3. I turned in my food journal this morning for Evan to review. But I need to commit to decreasing one carb block and adding one fat. I've just got things figured out for 3 block meals. So changing will take some more effort.

  4. I am definitely looking forward to meeting with everyone on Saturday! I usually do great with my 3 bock breakfasts. I have those down pat by having 3 oz chicken or turkey, 1/4 cantelope, 1 c strawberries and a kiwi. But today, I am out of chicken, turkey and kiwi. I just won't even mention the chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-a I had for breakfast. oops... guess I did, but this whole thing is about accountability. I am off to the store with my plan to get back in the driver's seat. I've let too many things steer me onto the rumble strip!

  5. Just an update! 2 days down and I'm still feeling strong. Hopefully my motivation won't wear off too soon. There have been a few moments when I've felt weak, but I've talked myself out of getting off track and keep reminding myself that I'm strong enough to do it. I hope everyone is sticking with it and keeping up the good work. Angela, I don't know where your place is so you might wanna shoot me a facebook message with your address if you get time before Saturday! And Lacey...We'll pretend we didn't eat that chicken biscuit too :) If you get off track, the most important thing is to get back on. I've failed at the zone twice, so I know how sometimes it's just hard to keep with, especially with a hectic schedule. Happy zoning everyone!

  6. I found a Chinese soup recipe that fits in the Zone that I am making for our small group Friday night. The theme is Chinese and I have been trying to always bring a dish that is healthy.
    I tend to eat really well for breakfast and lunch but it falls apart once the kids get home from school and I am multitasking more. Prolly need to pre-make my meals so I don't have to think once my people get home. :) I already feel like a short order cook since they eat lots of different things than me.
    My new challenge is to cut out dairy. Doubt I will eliminate all of it. But I will definitely decrease it-starting w/ cheese.
    I am struggling w/ Nutella-which is code for sugar and caffeine. But the jar is almost empty so that should keep me from cheating in the evenings on that. The kids are mad that I didn't buy more.

  7. I just started back trying to simply figure out and understand the Zone. I am like you Angela,I do really well at breakfast and then at lunch, but around 2-3, my energy drops and my carb cravings kick into high gear. That's when I have to really start talking to myself.
    I posted my 'thoughts with a plan' on the fridge, and I go there and read before I pick my food.

    End of Day 1, and no cheating. Isn't that sad that I'm celebrating just one day? But small victories will make up to bigger and bigger ones later on.
    My whole family has been sick, so it's been tough to stay on track. I'm hoping that being able to get back into the gym and getting everyone healthy will aid in my motivation as well.

    There are about 4 of us here in Louisville joining you ladies on this journey. I look forward to traveling this road with you all.
